This year i join marching for 26th National very new and have no experience with National Day...because this is my first time...
Here i come... trying to practice and follow the march accordingly....Honestly it was fun...although the weather is so... HOT and SUNNY!!! Woman team is so enthusiaisist and can follow the step easily...i can see that we can learn faster and perform better than male team...
Hey...i don't mean to be sexist here...
Well back to my main reason to write this is not only to share the fun that i enjoyed...but somehow i find out phenomena that i experience...
All the participants are from various department and some are representing the schools or colleges...what i know some of them are Senior officers, Officers and some are staffs...Everybody try to make friends but i didn't deny that some are snobbish....i don't care about them...
But what makes me feel so strange is why almost (i mean the woman team) of them...when they told stories about their job...they must relate themselves with VIP,Dato,Datin,SUT,Pehin,VIP and so on....i don't know why...and it sounds strange to me.....kenapa kan ???nda behargakah diri tani ani if tani nda relate tani with all this people...come on one of the staff...and i don't feel shame to be myself...and i don't need to use their name and relate to them all the time...How about u people??what do u think??patutkah tani catu??sorry to say...but i have seen this everywhere in Brunei...especially Brunei-Muara district...feel so pity that most of our nation are show-off what do you think people??