Thursday, 2 June 2011


In the evening, after i went out meeting with old friend.I went home early.Am surprised to see that jaja was there.I thought that she was in Kay Bee with her mom...Looking at her playing with herself, again...i took her picture.....
Jaja dancing 
 Mumbling...well i can't understand what she said

Playing alone

After wake up pose

After we had lunch, we went to Time Square for a while..then we were going back to our house....having a nap....I slept for an hour...Suddenly i heard a noise at door, when i checked was Eyan who already wake up....So i decided to take his photos...He look so cute...

Sunday with neice and nephews

Few weeks ago, my sisters stay over at my house for  a night..I was so happy to be with my little niece and nephews.Amar and Jaja for sure are quite naughty..Their little brother Eyan or Affi has grown up and become more talkative.The next morning, my sister decided to treat us during lunch time.It was so fun, beside i got distracted with cats (well u know, am really afraid of cat).I think i will get fobia if i went to restaurant that has cat around.I can'tfinish my food, but still i enjoy my time with my siblings especially with my niece and nephews...

Pretty Jaja, patiently waiting for foods
Amar playing games, showing his performance
Eyan...too naughty that his dad decide to wait inside the car...