Thursday, 2 June 2011


In the evening, after i went out meeting with old friend.I went home early.Am surprised to see that jaja was there.I thought that she was in Kay Bee with her mom...Looking at her playing with herself, again...i took her picture.....
Jaja dancing 
 Mumbling...well i can't understand what she said

Playing alone


  1. Hello, Jaja is a happy and playful young girl haaa...she cute anyway...

    @Blog owner,hi and assalammualaikum. i visited your blog, but, i was wondering, with only one follower and a few entry posted, you still have a quite number of visitor to your blog! and it's listed for 500 top list in alexa.

    I'm impressive with it. If u don't mind, could you share some experience what have you done and any tips to get the traffic? Im glad if u can teach me.

    Anyway, nice to meet you and thank you. Peace! Hope to hear some good news from you soon. Thank You!

  2. Wassalam Talif,maaf baru hari ini saya terbaca msg awak, saya byk membeli buku panduan dari otai IM di Malaysia...tak byk saya gunakan.Saya gunakkan alexa,trafficsyndicate,hantar site kat google,msn dan yahoo

    Anyway,Nice to meet u too,Thank you!!!

  3. Dear impressed n notice that taliff mention ur blog listed for 500 top list??wow.. hmmm im still new to blogging..i wish i cn understand blog as well as u..
